Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Tim. 2:15

King James AV1611


The Book of Matthew
Matthew was taught by Dr. James Modlish


17:1-3 after 6 days - about 8 days (Lk. 9:28) = 7

(2 Pet. 3:8) defines a day.

System laid out in (Lev. 23, 25, and Ex. 22).

    Work 6 days, rest the 7th.

    Work 6 months, feast of Tabernacles in the 7th month.

    Work 6 years, rest the 7th.

    Work 49 years, (7x7) , blow the Jubilee the 50th.

    Rev. has 7 trumpets, 7 vials, 7 seals, 7 churches, 7 candlesticks, 7 spirits, 7 stars.

    (Gen. 2:1-3); 7th day has no evening and morning.

    (John 1:29, 35, 43, 51 (1-28 Day 1, 29-34 Day 2, 35-42 Day 3, 43-51 Day 4); 2:1; 4:40; 11:16; Lk. 10:35; Ex. 19:16,17; Hos. 6:1-3).

"Into an high mountain apart." Same route as Israel in the Old testament which is Sinai, Mt. Seir, Mt. Paran, Edom, Selah, Sihon. Rabbath, Gilgal, Jericho, Jerusalem (Jud. 5; Deut. 32, 33; Hab. 3, etc.)

"was transfigured before them" - (Rev. 1:14-16; 2 Pet. 1:1,17).

"face did shine as the Sun," - advent is pictured by Sun coming up in 4th watch (Mk. 13:32-37).

Moses and Elijah show up as they do in last four verses of Old Testament, turn out to be two witnesses.

[1]. Elijah, Moses, and Jesus are all on a mountain (Ex. 24:18; 1 Ki. 19:8-15; Matt. 4L1-13).
[2]. Elijah, Moses, and Jesus are all fasting 40 days and nights (Ex. 24:18; Lk. 4; 1 Ki. 19:8).
[3]. Elijah, Moses, and Jesus all stand in the "presence of the LORD" (Ex. 33:21; 2 Ki. 17:1; Acts 2; Heb. 8:1; 12:1-3).
[4]. Elijah, Moses, and Jesus were all sent to Israel (Ex. 2-4; 1 Ki. 17-18; Luke 4; Matt. 10:1-8).
[5]. Elijah, Moses, and Jesus all crosses water miraculously (Ex. 14-15; Matt. 14; 2 Ki. 2).
[6]. Elijah and Moses ended their lives where Jesus was baptized (Deut. 34; 2 Ki. 2, Jn. 1:28), east of Jordan, at the crossing.
[7]. Elijah was caught up living, but will die again (2 Ki. 2; Rev. 11).
[8]. Moses was caught up after death, but will die again (Deut. 34, Rev. 11).
[9]. Moses and Elijah all personally selected a minister to take their place (Deut. 3:24-28; 2 Ki. 2; Rom. 15:8,9; Acts 9:15,16).
[10]. All three destroy enemies by fire, which comes at their spoken command (Num. 15:32-35; 2 Ki. 1; Mal. 4; Rev. 11,19).
[11]. All three have power over the natural elements (Ex. 5-10; 1 Ki. 17:1; Jas. 5:17; Rev. 11:3-6; Matt. 14:31-33).

17:4,5 While Peter was busy suggesting Tabernacles, the Lord gave him the answer. The Tabernacle erected for Jesus is a human body (1 Cor. 6:13; 3:16; Acts 7:48-50; Jn. 2:21), thus showing that Jesus is the creator of that body (Eph. 2:20-22).

[1]. Religion majors on building buildings so they can reserve their body for private pleasure (Rom. 12:1,2). The first thing confused people do is build (Gen. 11).

[2]. Cloud in (Eze. 1:4).

[3]. Moses represents Tribulations saint who dies and is resurrected at the end of the Tribulation, goes into the Millennium to die again and would keep on dying if it were not for the tree of life. (Rev. 22:14; 14:12; 12:17).

[4]. Elijah represents living saints who are caught up at Post-Tribulation rapture (Isa. 26; Psa. 50; Job 37; Matt. 24:30,31), will go alive into the Millennium to die a natural death (as Elijah goes up but comes back later in the Tribulation to die, Rev. 11:6-14).

17:6,7 Falling on face is right response for the Tribulation Jew (Paul on road to Damascus). (1 Cor. 15:8) out of due time this whole thing is a prototype of Israel's conversion during the Tribulation (Isa. 66:7-9).

17:8-11 "no man, save Jesus only"

[1]. The law (Moses) and prophets (Elijah) are gone. Jesus stands ready to die for those who break the law and disregard the prophets.

[2]. "Tell vision to no man" see (16:20).

[3]. "risen from the dead" see (Mk. 9:10). This indicates a resurrection "from the dead" before the resurrection "of the dead."

17:12-13 "listed" every sailor knows it means to lean in the direction of its own choice.

17:14-16 Lunatic is literally "moon struck". Luna is Latin. RSV translates lunatic as "epileptic," keeping in time with the dark age Catholic idea that epilepsy was demon-possession.

[1]. Apostles have power to exorcise in 10:8, but seem to have lost it here, evidently some takes more than a commission, some take fasting and prayer.

[2]. Application, unbelief prevents more from happening through prayer.

17: 24-27 "Then are the children free," the implication is: "I am the king and you disciples are my children" (8:15; 18:3,5,6). The resolution follows: lawfully and legally, therefore, you do not have to pay tax to Caesar. The strangers, then, is a definition of the unconverted who do not belong to the kings household, (Matt. 7:23; Eph. 2:12).

Application: New Testament Christian has liberty (1 Cor. 6:12l 10:23) since he is not under curse of the law, but for the sake of others he refrains from conduct that would offend others (Rom. 14; 1 Cor. 10:32,33).

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