Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Tim. 2:15
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Tim. 2:15
King James AV1611
First Corinthians
First Corinthians was taught by Dr. James Modlish
Outline provided by Randy Rogers
This chapter in First Corinthians could be called the marriage chapter in the New Testament, since most of it deals with that subject. Ephesians 5 gives rise to this subject as well, but not to the extent that this chapter does. This chapter has to do with matters of a sexual nature.
7:1 Apparently the Corinthians had written to Paul on another occasion concerning this matter of sex before marriage. Paul tells them that it is good not to “touch” a woman, but it is clear from the rest of the chapter, that he is speaking about sexual activity before marriage.
7:2 “To Avoid Fornication”… this is the motive behind marriage! Every man should have “His Own” wife - not someone else's!! Same with the women… she should have “Her Own” husband - not someone else's! None of this modern day wife/husband swapping.
7:3 “Due Benevolence” - this means what is due that person.
7:4 The wife’s body belongs to her husband, and the husband’s body belongs to his wife. If you are a Christian, your body belongs to God first, then to your spouse.
7:5 Defraud ye not… the idea her is that you are not supposed to hold back sexual relations from your spouse. You should have normal sexual relations with one another.
The main stipulation given for abstaining is for fasting and prayer, with both man and wife consenting to it. Then it should be for a short period of time lest the Devil tempt you for you incontinency, or self control.
7:6 Paul is not speaking as if it were a commandment, but God has allowed him to speak this. At least he’s honest about this. Some modern day preachers would try to make to believe that what they are saying about these matters are “all” God’s commandments, when they are not.
7:7 Paul believes that it is best to stay single (Matt. 19:9-12). Paul was either single willingly, or he was married before his conversion in (Acts 9), and his wife left him shortly thereafter. The former is probably the case. Some men find it easier to stay single than others do, likewise some women.
7:8 Good to remain single.
7:9 Better to marry than to burn - this is a clear reference to burning with lust. See (Rom. 1:27). This has nothing to do with burning in Hell, at least not in the context in which it is presented. Lust, could be a factor that keeps a man or woman from coming to Jesus Christ for salvation from Hell.
7:10 Here is a commandment already given - the woman is to stay with the man.
What you have in (vs. 3-7) are additional revelations about this whole matter. The commandment stands… don’t leave your husband.
7:11 This departure allowed is only “temporary”. She is not to get remarried, and her husband is not to have her out away. Tough duty is some cases to say the least, but God gives more grace!
7:12 Here is more revelation under the authority of the Holy Spirit. Paul acknowledges the fact that there are some believers that “unequally” yoked themselves to unbelievers (2 Cor. 6:14), or at least the believer was converted, and their spouse is still unbelieving. Paul says not to put her away. The believer should stay with the spouse and try to be a good witness and testimony and try to get the unbelieving spouse saved.
7:13 This goes for the wife of an unbelieving husband as well (notes on vs. 12).
7:14 Notice Paul did not say “Saved”, but “Sanctified” (set apart). The marriage is clean if they are saved. The marriage is honored for the sake of the saved person (Heb. 13:4).
7:15 Here is a case where a saved person can get remarried. This is called Desertion. The unbeliever departs, and the believer is allowed to get married again, but this should only be done “in the Lord” (vs. 39).
A saved man or woman is not called to bondage, but peace, so a believer is not held guilty if they let the unsaved go.
7:16 You don’t know what the out come will be, but you can claim the promise of (Acts 16:31).
7:17 Paul is stating that you should stay in the condition that you are “called” in (vs. 20, 24). Paul uses circumcision to illustrate this point.
7:22 It is clear from this passage that there are still slaves, and yet if you are a slave, and saved, you are the Lord’s Freeman.
Those that are Free, are the Lord’s servants.
7:23 Don’t quit serving! (Eph. 6:5-7) Stay a servant, but not a servant of men, but the Lord!
Three people put into the position of Servitude:
[1]. The woman to her husband.
[2]. The children to their parents.
[3]. The servant to their master.
You are bought with a price - Christ’s shed blood, so serve him!
7:24 Stay where God has put you!
7:25 Paul is now back on back on the original topic (7:7). A virgin can be anyone that has not had sexual relations. Men called virgins in (Rev. 7).
7:26 Even in Paul’s day it was good to remain a virgin. It probably wasn’t has hard a thing back then as it is today. In today’s society, the topic of sex is in just about every aspect of our daily lives. I read a book one time on “Subliminal Suggestions,” and in that book they show how advertisers would airbrush sexual suggestions into the ad campaign, so as to entice you to buy or use their product. The idea behind is was, to suggest that the use of the product gave as much pleasure as having sex, and since you would like the pleasure of sex, you would surely like their product.
7:27 Stay where you are. Stay married, or stay single!
7:28 Paul is saying, don’t look for a wife, but if you do marry, you have not sinned, but you will have trouble in the flesh.
Three things to notice:
[1]. It is better to stay single.
[2]. You will have trouble in the flesh if you marry.
[3]. You are bound to your spouse till death.
Paul doesn’t mention all the trouble that they will have in the flesh - “but I spare you.”
7:29 In the next two verses (29-30) Christians can’t enter in “whole-heartedly” into worldly things. You need time apart from your spouse to serve the Lord (vs. 34).
7:30 Don’t be excessive about weeping, rejoicing, and buying. Do all in moderation!
7:31 Plainly speaking… don’t get worldly!
7:32 This is not always true. Some Christians are worldly!
A Christian that is doing right and serving God still has to meet the physical needs of their spouse, i.e. feeding, clothing, housing, etc.
7:33 Again this is not always true. It is not cast in concrete.
7:35 Paul is saying this because of (vs. 29).
7:36 Looks like Paul is speaking about a man and the virgin girl he wants to marry. And it also looks like he is speaking about a man’s virgin daughter. This is a hard verse to figure out.
“Uncomely” - improper
“His virgin” - His virgin daughter.
“if She” - The girl he wants to marry, or his virgin daughter.
“pass the flower of her age” - past the ability to have children.
7:37 Who’s he talking about? Is he saying stay a virgin, or is he saying don’t let your virgin daughter get married. The former is probably the case, but I’ll let the Holy Spirit give you insight into this matter.
7:38 (Rom. 7)
7:39 The woman can remarry, but only in the Lord! Don’t be unequally yoked with unbelievers.
7:40 Paul still believes that it is better for the woman to stay single after the death of her husband. She then can devote more time to the Lord.
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