Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Tim. 2:15
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Tim. 2:15
King James AV1611
The Book of Daniel
Daniel was taught by Dr. James Modlish
Chapter Eight
(The Ram and He-Goat - 8:1-27)
This vision of the "RAM" and "HE-GOAT" occurred in the "third year" of the reign of Belshazzar, 538 B.C., or two years after the previous Vision of the Four Wild Beasts. It occurred in the same year as the "Fall of Babylon," and probably before its "Fall," and its purpose was to inform Daniel what Empires were to succeed the Babylonian, and to further trace the Little Horn, for it is worthy of note that while the prophecies of Isaiah relate mainly to the "Christ," the Visions of Daniel are for the purpose of unveiling the Anti-Christ. The Prophet was in Babylon when he received the Vision, but was transported in spirit to Shushan, the Capital of Persia, in the Province of Elam, where as he stood by the side of the river Ulai, he saw a wonderful sight.
I. The Ram - (Dan. 8:3,4)
The Ram is seen as a great conquering kingdom. It is identified in (Dan. 8:20) as Media-Persia. The two horns, different in size, are obviously representative of Darius and Cyrus. - Remember from Daniel's viewpoint this is prophecy.
The Ram attacks West, North, and South.
II. The He-Goat - (Dan. 8:5-7)
The Goat is given the ability to defeat the Ram. The Goat defined in (Dan. 8:21). Of course this is what happened historically. The great horn between his eyes would be Alexander the Great, who became King of Greece when but 20 years of age, 336 B.C. Two years later in (334 B.C.), in goat-like fashion, he leaped the hellespont and with an army of 30,000 infantry and 5,000 calvary he defeated a Persian force on the banks of the Granicus. By a swift advance eastward the, following year, 333 B.C., defeated at Issus a Persian army of 600,000 men, commanded by a Persian king, Darius.
After minor conquests in Phoenicia and Egypt he returned to Syria, where on the banks of the Trigris River he defeated an enormous army lead by Darius. This is known as the Battle of Arbela, 331 B.C.. From 330 to 337 B.C., Alexander was engaged in subjugating the outlying provinces of the Persian Empire. Later he returned to Babylon, where at the climax of his glory, he died of marsh fever and drunkenness in June, 323 B.C. when he was 33 years old.
III. The Four Horns - (Dan. 8:8)
After the death of Alexander there was dissension as to who should be his successor, which ended, as the prophecy foretold, in four of his Generals dividing the territory of the Empire among themselves. Gassander took Greece, Lysimachus took Asia Minor, Selecius took Syria, Ptolemy took Egypt. These four kingdoms were in time absorbed in the "Fourth World Wide Empire," the Roman. The last to lose its identity was Egypt in 30 B.C..
IV. The Little Horn - (Dan. 8:9)
Daniel give us a progressive look at the Anti-Christ and his kingdom. Each time we learn a few more characteristics. The little horn of (Dan. 8) is the same personality as the little horn in (Dan. 7). They are both one in the same, and consequently the king over the 10 toed kingdom of (Dan. 2).
The Little Horn is actually coming out of one of these other four horns. If you were to look at the map you would see that by the process of elimination all of the countries except Syria are eliminated (Dan. 8:9). If that is the case we have the Anti-Christ coming out of Assyria. Judas Iscariot was from the town of Kerioth, which was in Moab, which was in Assyria. Interestingly the Anti-Christ is referred to as the Assyrian in (Isa. 10:5-6; 14:24-25; 30:27-33). See also: (Jer. 48:25,41).
The "Pleasant Land" refers to Palestine.
A. Identity of The Anti-Christ
[1]. He is called "Son of Perdition" (2 Thess. 2:3).
[2]. Jesus makes reference to the same (Jn. 17:12).
[3]. This man was on the earth before John wrote (Rev. 17:8), he is in the bottomless pit now; he will ascend out of the bottomless pit in the tribulation.
[4]. Jesus called Judas "a devil" (Jn. 6:70).
[5]. Judas went to "his own place" (Acts 1:25).
B. Daniel's description of the Little Horn
[1]. Very powerful - but receives it from another (Dan. 8:10,24; Rev. 13:2).
[2]. Magnifies himself against God (Dan. 8:10; Rev. 12:3,4).
[3]. Makes peace with Israel (Dan. 9:25). Ever hear of "foreign Policy"? (Dan. 9:27)
[4]. He evidently dies (probably assassinated) but is resurrected and makes the world "wonder" (Rev. 13:3).
[5]. The temple in Jerusalem will be rebuilt (Rev. 11:1) and Israel will be conducting O.T. worship in it during the Tribulation (Heb. 10:11; Deut. 21:1-8).
[6]. Exalts himself as God and demands worship (2 Thess. 2:4).
[7]. Offers human sacrifices in the Temple (Rev. 6:9).
[8]. Seeks to destroy Israel (Dan. 7:25; 8:24).
(VS. 10) - A Supernatural King (Rev. 12:3,4,9)
(VS. 12) - (Rev. 11:1) Sacrifice taken away. (Matt. 24:13-22) Sacrifices going on in the temple when this shows up (Dan 9:27).
(VS. 13) - Host (vs. 10)
(VS. 14) - End of Tribulation (Dan. 12:4,6,13; Matt. 24:13; Heb. 3).
(VS. 23) - Little horn (vs. 8-10).
(VS. 24) - He gets his power from the devil (Rev. 13:4-5). Destroys the Jews - (Lam. 5:2-22) = Last prayer before Lord comes back.
(VS. 25) - Craftsmen (Acts 19:24-25, 35; Zech. 11:16,17,13; 2 Thess. 2). The making of idols for worship!!!
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Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | Supplemental
In The Old Testament -
"The Wicked" - (Isa. 11:4)
"King of Babylon" - (Isa. 14:4)
"Lucifer" - (Isa. 14:2)
"King of Tyrus" - (Eze. 28:11-19)
"The Little Horn" - (Dan. 7:8; 8:9-12)
"A King of Fierce Countenance" - (Dan. 8:23)
"The Prince that shall come" - (Dan. 9:26)
"The Willing King" - (Dan. 11:36)
In The New Testament -
"The Man of Sin" - (2 Thess. 2:3-8)
"That Wicked" - (2 Thess. 2:3-8)
"The Beast" - (Rev. 13:1-8)
"Son of Perdition" - (2 Thess. 2:3-8)
"Anti-Christ" - (1 Jn. 2:18)
Other Bible names for the Anti-Christ: