Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Tim. 2:15
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Tim. 2:15
King James AV1611
The Prodigal Son
Lesson Four
He Awoke, He Arose, He Arrived
(Luke 15:16-24)
We have already observed:
[1]. Give me - (vs. 12)
[2]. A greater desire for goods than pleasing the father - (vs. 12)
[3]. Chose pleasure over peace - "riotous living" - (vs. 13)
[4]. Spending over saving - (vs. 14)
These things define a prodigal, but fortunately, the story doesn't end here!
I. He Awoke - "came to himself" - (vs. 17)
What brought him to himself?
A. His Hunger - (vs. 16) (Ps. 37:25)
Nothing like a good dose of doing without to bring you around! Sadly spiritual hunger is not quite as detectable, but just as devastating.
B. His Abandonment - …"and no man gave unto him."
Sowing and Reaping - This all started by his demand of "give me" and now he receives nothing. The Word says, "Give and it shall be given unto you."
C. His Memory - (vs. 17)
[1]. When he left, all he could think about was the rules, standards, and work.
[2]. Now he contemplates Thanksgiving Dinner, family outings that no longer seem embarrassing.
D. His Conscience - (vs. 18,19)
[1]. Dictated an honest confession as the publican.
[2]. A Son can never be a hired servant - "Know ye not that we shall judge angels?" (1 Cor. 6:3)
II. He Arose - (vs. 20)
Very seldom do we hear the truth preached, while our conscience does a work as the Holy Spirit puts a thing on us; but it's something else to "arise".
A. Pigs thought he was crazy. Why would anyone want to leave the Security of a perfectly good pig pen for a trail filled with unknowns back to the fathers house?
B. Pigs live only for the moment, no forethought of tomorrow, eat everything in sight - make no provisions for tomorrow.
C. Total disregard for anyone else when the slop comes, and that's exactly what they eat. (1 Thess. 5:22; Prov. 4:14,15)
D. One of the hardest things about arriving is that nobody wants you - the pigs don't because you have rejected them, and the good people think you stink - but he must have known deep in his heart the father would receive him.
III. He Arrived -
A. First order of business is to accept the Father's forgiveness. Sounds so elementary, but there are millions who haven't done that.
Every time something goes wrong, we mentally go back to the skeleton in the closet, the really big sin, and fail to examine the present life which may be mental attitude sins: envy, jealousy, gossip, covetousness, robbing God, etc.
B. Appreciate the Father's compassion (vs. 20)
If you will but silhouette yourself on the most distant horizon toward the father's house, he will run to you.
The father did not fetch the son from the far country, but when he made the motion toward home the father welcomed him with open arms.
C. State your confession to the one against whom you have sinned (vs. 21). (Ps. 51:4; 1 Tim. 2:5)
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