Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Tim. 2:15

King James AV1611


By Dr. James Modlish
(These outlines are in rough draft format)

The Prodigal Son
Lesson Two

The Symptoms of A Prodigal
(Luke 15:11-24)



The question is often raised, "What makes a prodigal?"

A. Is it his or her environment? - This young man had the perfect home - God is the father!
B. Is it friends? - To be sure, they can take you the wrong way, hence, "My son, if sinner entice thee, consent thou not." (Prov. 1:10)
C. Is it lack of opportunities?
D. It must be the heart -

"For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he…" (Prov. 23:7,12,15,17,19,26)

Symptoms of a bad heart - (2 Kings 14:6; Deut. 24:16)

I. Give Me - (vs. 12)

Every prodigal seems to manifest a "Something for Nothing" attitude.

The final fixation is God owes them something and if He doesn't produce, they have a legitimate excuse to get bitter.

They think God Owes them:

A. A better appearance.
B. Better circumstances.
C. A better job

This all amounts to Unthankfulness.

II. A Greater Desire For Goods Than Pleasing The Father - (vs. 12)

What kind of Goods?

A. Achan - Goodly Babylonian garment (Josh. 7:21). Silver and Gold followed infatuation with worldly clothes.
B. Lot - 9 times out of 10 a prodigal will go to the bigger city (Gen. 13:10-13). 13 words in verse 13!!
C. Demas - (2 Tim. 4:10) In (Acts 17:5 - He went to Thessalonica)

"this present world" = everything that's new! New Wave (music), New World Order, New Constitution, New Rules, New Morality - as opposed to the old landmarks (Prov. 23:10; 22:28).


III. Pleasure Over Peace "riotous living" - (vs. 13)

"This place is boring."

Entertainment became central in his thinking.

IV. Spending Over Saving - (Vs. 14)

A no plan for the future attitude.

(Prov. 28:19) - Obviously you till for the future. True of Spiritual things as well.

V. Best Thing That Can Happen - (V. 14,15)

The best thing that can happen to a prodigal is a famine and having a dead end job. Real want!


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