Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Tim. 2:15

King James AV1611


Second Timothy
Second Timothy was taught by Dr. James Modlish

Lesson Ten (Chapter 4)


This chapter is the final message from the inspired pen of Paul. Shortly after these words were dictated, he was martyred for the cause of Christ. It is no surprise, then, that we find in this chapter an intense personal appeal for Timothy's faithfulness to the Lord and to his beloved Paul. There are four charges or admonitions in this chapter of which we will consider two today.


I. Preach The Word (4:1-4)

Paul closed the previous chapter by exhorting Timothy to continue in the Word in his own personal life; now he exhorts him to preach that Word to others. So important was the preaching of the Word that he gave Timothy a charge - a "military command" - to keep on preaching the Word. What does it mean to preach the Word?

A. It implies knowing the Word, rightly dividing it, and making it understandable and applicable to the lives of people. (2 Tim. 2:15).

B. You can quote the word but not preach it (Matt. 4:6). This is going on in liberal churches.

C. When you preach the Word you judge everything by the Word. For example; You can preach about science but judge it by the Word (I Tim. 6:20).

The preacher is to be instant in season and out of season. This seems to indicate that the Christian worker will not always be in the midst of a perpetual harvest. There are different seasons and some of them are very dry. Judson labored eight years in Burma before anyone confessed Christ. Goforth spent four years and Carey seven years before they won one soul to Christ. In any season we are told to:

Reprove - which is a general correction. To reprove is to make sin known. This is one of the primary responsibilities of the Holy Spirit (John 16:7,8).

Rebuke - This is also to motivate correction but it is a stronger term, best compared to a fist in the mouth (Ps. 6:1; Zech. 3:2).

Exhort - To exhort is to stir people up to do something about what they have just heard. The old time Methodist used to have three speakers in every service; A teacher, a preacher and an exhorter. It was the job of the exhorter to challenge the people to do something with the previous messages.

All of this work must be done with longsuffering (vs. 2) because much patience is required for most people grow painfully slow in spiritual matters. They will never grow properly if they do not receive a constant influx of doctrine (3:16,2:2, 3).

Why must we pay such strict attention to proclaiming the Word of God? Because the time will come (it is here) when men will not endure sound doctrine.

The "they" of (vs. 3) seems to be directed at Christians as there doesn't seem to be an unsaved man in the entire chapter. Of course the liberals will never preach on hell or the second coming because they don't want to hear it. However many fundamentalists are guilty of desiring to hear "selected" subjects. Some like to hear "soul winning", but grate under the message of "giving". Others like giving but hate soul winning. The idea of the verse is people will not like to hear preaching on their individual sins. Everyone "enjoys" Dr. Slipjaw's television message on Bible Prophecy. I wonder what kind of response he would get if he preached a T.V. Series on "ENVY", "GLUTTONY" and "LAZINESS."

The word "heap" in (vs. 3) implies there will be a lot of teachers available who will be plenty willing to scratch some ears (Matt. 24:10,11,12). 

II. Fulfill Your Ministry (4:5-8)

Paul frequently reminded Timothy there would be difficulties in the Christian ministry (4:5; 1:8; 2:3). Even though he was a Pastor feeding the sheep good doctrine he was to do the work of an evangelist. There is nothing deader than preaching without directions to the cross.

Paul had spent 30 years offering himself up as a living sacrifice (Rom. 12:1,2) and it was now time for him to offer himself up in death.

The word "departure" implies something is getting ready to leave (Phil. 1:21-22; Gen. 35:18).

Paul had fought a good fight. Have you?

A good fight can be a fight to:

[1]. Overcome a bad habit.

[2]. Keep your testimony at work.

[3]. Keep your tongue in check.

[4]. Keep your mind in subjection.

The crown of righteousness along with the other few available to the Christian will be passed out at the Judgment Seat of Christ.

A man that is a success is one who finds out what God wants him to do and does it. That man will love the appearing of Jesus Christ.


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