Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Tim. 2:15
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Tim. 2:15
King James AV1611
First Timothy
First Timothy was taught by Dr. James Modlish
Lesson One
Evidently Timothy wanted to resign, and Paul's first burden was to encourage him to stay and finish the task. (vs. 3) Every Christian worker wants to quit at one time or another, but there is a great need for those who will teach sound doctrine.
I. The Responsibility of the Minister (vs. 3-11)
A. To ignore that which is false - (vs. 4) - fables are not just Santa Claus, the Easter bunny etc. A fable is anything (including religious things) that do not have a Biblical basis. The perpetual virginity of Mary, holy water, baptismal regeneration, transubstantiation, hell is the grave, heaven is here on earth, salvation is obtained by good works, and sincerity is the only thing that counts are a few modern fables.
B. To exercise charity (vs. 5) - (Rom. 13:8-10) is a good companion verse. Unfeigned means unpretended. There is a lot of Christian fruit today, but it lacks the root. (Vs. 6) is a good description of those kind of people. Their so-called testimony is a very annoying noise (vs. 6).
C. To know the significance of the law (vs. 8-11) - Paul tells us what the law is good for - to bring conviction of sin and to demonstrate to all men that they are ungodly and sinners (v. 9-10), Paul lists the sinners who are convicted and condemned by the law, and if you will compare this list with (Ex. 20), you will see that practically all of the commandments are include God had entrusted Paul and Timothy with a glorious Gospel, not a system of laws (II Cor. 3,4)
II. The Enablement of The Minister (vs. 12-17)
Timothy was apparently disturbed because of hit youthfulness and lack of qualifications for the ministry (4:12). Look at me! says the Apostle I was a blasphemer and murderer before God saved me! And if the grace of God can make a missionary out of a murderer, then it can make a success out of you! Paul was always careful to give God the glory for his life and ministry (I Cor. 15: 10). Anyone who serves the Lord (and all believers ought to be servants) needs to depend on the grace of God. We are saved by grace (Eph. 2:8-9), but we also serve through grace (Rom. 12:3-6). In (vs. 14), Paul lists the three motivating forces in his life: grace, faith, and love. His love for Christ and lost men constrained him to labor (II Cor. 5:14ff); his faith in Christ empowered him (Eph. 1:19); and the grace of God worked in his life, enabling him to serve God (Heb. 12:28).
Furthermore, the ministers source of motivation comes from the knowledge of the reason why Christ came - (vs. 15). If we lose sight of that we will lose the enabling power of Christ in our lives. Paul was a pattern of what God can do with a lost hell-bound sinner. What can God do with you?
III. The Equipment of The Minister (vs.18-20)
The Christian life is nota playground;it is a battleground. Timothy had been enlisted by God as a Christian soldier (2 Tim. 2:3-4). Paul reminds the young pastor of his ordination years ago. Apparently some of the prophets in the local church had been instructed by the Spirit to single Timothy out and ordain him for special service (see Acts 13:1-3; 1 Tim. 4:14; 2 Tim 1:6). "God would not call you without first equipping you!" encourages Paul. "The fact that His Spirit set His seal upon you is proof that God will see you through the battles ahead." (See Phil. 1:6) These promises of the Spirit were not mere words; they were weapons for the spiritual warfare which Timothy was engaged. He was to use the Word of God as a sharp two-edged sword to overcome Satan (Eph. 6:17; Heb. 4:12). It is not enough, however, to have correct doctrine, the Christian soldier must also have correct living (faith and a good conscience vs. 19). Paul uses the word conscience several times in his pastoral letters to Timothy and Titus (I Tim. 1:5,19; 3:9; 4:2; 2 Tim. 1:3; Titus 1:15).
Paul names two men in Ephesus who would give Timothy trouble: Hymenaeus (2 Tim. 2:17) and Alexander (2 Tim. 4:14). These two men had apparently been members of the Ephesian church whom Paul had disciplined (see I Cor. 5:1-5) because of their blasphemy and probably false doctrine.
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