Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Tim. 2:15

King James AV1611


First Samuel

First Samuel was taught by Dr. James Modlish


Chapters Twenty Six-Twenty Seven




III. SAUL REPENTS - AGAIN - (26:21-25)



The Ziphites are what as known as agitators. They draw some perverted form of pleasure from keeping things 'all stirred up'. Saul cannot rid himself of the obsession to kill David. Once again, he packs up his entourage and heads out "helter-skelter" to track down the devious rascal David, and his band of merry men.

The incident will be reproduced once again in the tribulation, as the Jews, led by their king in exile, will be pursued into the wilderness by the Antichrist and his allies.

See (Rev. 12:5,6; Hos. 2:14-20; Micah 7:14,15; Ex. 16:1; also typified in 2 Sam. 15:14,16,23; Jer. 31:2).

David sends out spies to verify the presence of Saul and company. The incident of chapter (24) is repeated in essence. This time, we are introduced to Saul's captain, Abner. Abner plays a big role after the death of Saul in (2 Samuel 2 & 3). Abner is Saul's right hand man and body guard. Abishai agrees to accompany David into the camp of the Israelites. There is really little challenge, for the Lord has cast a deep sleep upon the troops (vs. 12). Abishai is a little over anxious, and like those in (24:4), wants David to strike a death blow. David refuses to stretch forth his hand against the Lord's anointed...," but removes a cruse of water and Saul's spear, to prove that once again the Lord has delivered him into David's hands.

Note: David recognizes that God is in control of the circumstances (vs. 10) ...

[1]. "the Lord shall smite him";

[2]. "his day shall come to die";
[3]. "he shall descend into battle, and perish."



David and Abishai escape undetected from Saul's camp (vs. 12). David finds a strategic location a good distance from the camp, and addresses the camp, specifically Abner. "Art not thou a valiant man?" (vs. 15). Sarcastically, David reprimands Abner for falling asleep on guard duty. "Hey, Abner, what kind of an outfit are you running there?" " are worthy to die" (vs. 16). Abner is caught, as they say, "with his pants down." There is no excuse for failing to protect the king. The captain of the host is humiliated before his king and troops.

Saul recognizes the voice, "Is this ... David?" Notice the phrase "my son" (24:16). Saul is all too pliable, or better, unpredictable. Immediately he is "palsy walsy" with his enemy, David.

Saul's attitude towards David changes like the wind. David reasons with Saul in (vs. 19). "If I am wrong, and God has stirred you up to chastise me, let me offer an offering to pay for this evil; yet, if this expedition of yours, Saul, is the work of men, I pray the Lord take care of this whole situation and make it right. David realizes that he was not in the place in which God had designated, and blamed Saul.

In (vs. 20), David questions the 'mighty' efforts of the King, to chase a "flee" such as he.


III. SAUL REPENTS - AGAIN - (26:21-25)

"I have sinned." Saul recognizes the offense, his problem is whom he has offended. (1 Sam. 15:24; 24:17). Saul is willing to admit his sin to the man he has wronged, David, but Saul fails to fall on his face before the Lord. Notice the important difference contrasting (Psa. 51:4) with Saul's confession, David says, "Against thee, thee only, have I sinned." See also (2 Sam. 12:9; Gen. 39:9; 20:6). Saul repents and confesses his sin, but he never gets it right with God! ... worldly repentance, (2 Cor. 7:10). To be genuinely repentant, one will produce the fruits of repentance, (2 Cor. 7:11)!

Saul prophesies (vs. 25) that David will do great things (he does), and "shalt still prevail," he does, (2 Sam. 2ff).



David has once again experienced victory. Saul has acknowledged his foolishness, and at least temporarily, David is free from the wrath of Saul. However, as is characteristic with many biblical characters, David finds himself defeated, distressed, depressed and backslidden. In spite of his God-ordained anointing, David says in his heart (vs. 1), "I shall now perish one day by the hand of Saul." What follows is a picture of a backslidden Christian. (For further revelation consult Elijah, (1 Ki. 19: 3-5; Jonah 4:1ff.) David takes his safety into his own hands as he sojourns in the land of the Philistines, "I shall escape out of his hands." (vs. 1). What follows is not one of the highlights of David's life.

David knows where to go when he is fearful and afraid, (1 Sam. 21:10-15). This is not the first appearance of King Achish; the circumstances of David and Achish's first meeting were strikingly similar. Gath, of course, is the home of the giant Goliath (1 Sam. 17:4). Saul takes David off the "hit list" figuring that Goliath's brothers would finish the job.

David seeks refuge from Achish, and promises to 'peacefully coexist'. David does not want another king to become jealous of him, it's not worth the trouble! (vs. 5). Achish gives David Ziklag (Josh. 15:31; 1 Chron. 12:1), and David gets lost in the countryside for 16 months



David has not lost the vision, or forgotten the original command to occupy the land of Canaan. To rid the land of Israel's enemies (at this point as an unofficial representative), David attacks the Gezrites (Josh. 10:33), the Geshurites (Josh. 13:2), and the Amalekites (1 Sam. 15:2,3; Ex. 17:8,14,16; Deut. 25:17-19).

David is using the Philistine's town of Ziklag as an outpost for the purpose of effecting commando raids on the Gentile populace' Achish asks, "Where have you been?" David Ties and says, "We've been attacking the house of Judah, the Jerahmeelites and the Kenites," (1 Chron. 2:9,25,55; Judg. 1:16), all Jews, or allies and associates of same! David is out killing other Philistines, and claiming he's a Philistine ally, by doing his part to rid the land of the Jews. David leaves no survivors; Achish buys it hook, line and sinker. See chapter (29:1-5)! "Achish believed David ... he shall be my servant forever" (vs. 12).

-Page Navigation-

Chapters: Intro | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 4-7 | 5-6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14

15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21-22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26-27 | 28-29 | 30 | 31